Human Animal Marriage Has Arrived!

Believe it or not, human and animal so-called “marriage” has arrived here in the USA!human animal marriage Paul Horner, 35, married his dog Mac in San Francisco, California and it is considered legal! Furthermore, Paul Horner and his dog Mac will receive the same tax benefits that regular married people receive. How could such a stunning and wildly perverted thing occur and yet be considered legal? Here’s how. In the book of California’s State Laws and Regulations there is a little known law that was passed as the state was first forming in 1850. According to article 155, paragraph 10, it clearly states:

If a man and a man can get married and a woman and a woman can get married, if ever comes that day, then a human and animal will have the exact same rights to marriage in every eye of the law. God help us if this ever is to happen!

As bad as it is that men’s future wicked fashion clothing is designed to be effeminate, that takes a definite back seat to any human animal so-called marriage! These shocking dark acts are all stepping stones for what is before us, as we continue to speed towards much greater darkness and the rise of Antichrist. Are you ready to die for your faith?

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