Hand Out on Alphonsus Liguori For Catholics

alphonsus liguori

Alphonsus Liguori was wrong. The truth is, Mary has NO ROLE, even in the slightest way, with our salvation. She was NEVER mentioned in any salvation sermon recorded in the Bible, including by Peter, whom Catholics wrongly think was a pope. Don’t believe me, read through the book of Acts, 1 Peter and 2 Peter for yourself. Our focus must be on the SAVIOR, who is Jesus. Mary is NOT a savior and is not to be prayed to or trusted in for anything, based on scripture. We do NOT go to Mary to get to Jesus and we certainly better not be calling on Mary at the hour of our death. She is not “our life, sweetness or hope.” Go by the Bible and you will read 100% truth. You will be completely safe. IF you deviate from scripture you will surely be deceived. People who think Alphonsus Liguori was a saint and sound in doctrine are not going by the message of the Bible and such will, sadly, be lethal for them. Take this warning to heart. It is most serious!

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