Do We Sin Every Day or Sin All The Time?

How distressing it is to hear a professing Christian nonchalantly say he sins all the time or sins every day! Such a person is a victim, held captive and duped by the popular security in sin, counterfeit grace, false gospel of once saved always saved, which has sent multitudes of once regenerated people to hell.

After a solid indoctrination into that license to sin theology, the proponents are practically ruined spiritually with no fear of God, no fear of the dangers of sin or hell and basically disinterested and unable to discuss the things of God with a real Christian. Of course, they continue to believe they have awaiting them a sure arrival into Paradise and God’s holy loving presence as they openly admit they sin every day and all the time!

Unwittingly, the sad and deceived victims of the sin every day (or we sin all the time) belief are saying that it is impossible for them or anyone to obey God, for if one did obey God then he would not sin all the time! They are also indirectly admitting they are slaves to sin by saying they sin every day or sin all the time, but also think they are Christians who possess eternal life, which is violently antithetical to Biblical Christianity. They have no awareness of the basic radical changes that exist when one becomes a Christian:

But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life (Rom. 6:22)

The sin every day and sin all the time people have no clue that only the OBEDIENT have eternal salvation (Heb. 5:9), even after quoting it! They have heard Eph. 2:8,9 quoted or referred to hundreds of times and think “works” is obedience and obedience and salvation are disconnected! Hence, because they are slaves to sin and were wrongly taught, they think we all sin every day or sin all the time and it makes no difference as far as salvation is concerned! From their dark perspective such a conclusion is logical, but it rests on an image of a Christian which is far from factual, lacking holiness. Their gospel is nothing more than a mere form of godliness, which is devoid of any sin liberating power and slavery to God! That’s because what they have been taught is the gospel of Christ is really another gospel and a lie from the devil, which denies the righteous can die spiritually.

The sin every day (or we sin all the time) multitudes are correct about the fact that they personally do sin every day or sin all the time, but are wrong about their own spiritual identity—that they are Christians who possess eternal life in their wickedness:

For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a man is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them. (Eph 5:5-7)

[For an exhaustive refutation to once saved always saved, click on evangelical books.]

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