The Sin of Omission

To the surprise of many, the Bible teaches there are different types and degrees of sins. They range from a sin of omission to commission, then to sins which lead to death and sins which don’t lead to death (1 John 5:16,17). The sin of omission is defined as:
sin of omission

Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins. (James 4:17)

The sin of omission can be much more serious than people tend to think, according to Scripture! For example, John taught a child of the devil is identified by sins of omission:

This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother. (1 John 3:10)

In our day, which is still suffering under the poisonous influence of eternal security, the heretics are telling us that an adulterer, drunk, slanderer, etc. might be Christian! What a shock it must be to some to know one doesn’t have to go to that extreme to be shown void of eternal life. John stated that either one of those sins of omission identifies a person as a child of the devil, according to first century Christian doctrine!

Other Scriptures also show the negative significance of the sin of omission. King Saul was rejected as king, in part, because he didn’t do what he should have! What was his sin? Saul was to totally destroy the Amalekites, but took the king prisoner and spared the best of the sheep and cattle (1 Sam. 15).

In Luke 18:9-14, it was the highly religious one who didn’t sincerely and humbly pray, “God have mercy on me a sinner,” who remained in his sins and lost! What he didn’t do was caused by his pride and was spiritually disastrous for him.

In Mt. 25:31-46 we learn that it will be those who didn’t do what the righteous did there, who go to everlasting punishment. NOTE: Don’t be deceived – one can feed the poor, clothe the naked and still go to hell! You must have heart purity to see God (Mt. 5:8).

Finally, if you don’t forgive others who sin against you, you will not be forgiven (Mt. 6:14,15). Unforgiveness can nullify one’s salvation (Mt. 18:34,35) Again, these sins of omission can be lethal. Guard your heart. Eternal life is for the overcomers.

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