Learn From The Ants

Though ants can be highly destructive and cause much damage, we can also learn positive things from them. antsBefore Solomon apostatized he suggested the sluggard to consider the ways of an ant and learn!

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. (Prov 6:6-8)

A sluggard (lazy person) is not like the ants. The ant has no commander, overseer or ruler yet it thinks ahead and stores food when it can get it. Apparently, the sluggard doesn’t even have the sense of an ant to store food in the summer when it is available, but there is more!

Ants are creatures of little strength, yet they store up their food in the summer (Prov 30:25)

Though the ant has little strength it is wise. God used the ant as an object lesson for us to observe and learn from.

[Here is an informative short video showing what an ant hill is actually shaped like underground and how ants tunnel around in a complex maze-like structure.]

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Benny Hinn FALSE Prophet

Who is Benny Hinn? Hopefully, you knew there were problems with Benny Hinn. If you did, you were categorically correct. Hinn is a Bible defined FALSE prophet just as much as Joseph Smith Jr of the LDS church and the Watchtower Society of Jehovah’s Witnesses! He is not any better than a DANGEROUS HUNGRY RAVENOUS WOLF which kills the sheep (Mt. 7:15). Here is the indisputable proof for your examination:

Hinn’s Homosexual False Prophecy

The Lord also tells me to tell you in the mid 90’s, about ’94-’95, no later than that, God will destroy the homosexual community of America. [audience applauds] But He will not destroy it, with what many minds have thought Him to be. He will destroy it with fire. And many will turn and be saved, and many will rebel and be destroyed.

To hear those revealing words, click Benny Hinn Is A FALSE Prophet.

Unlike Benny Hinn, God’s Prophets Are 100% Accurate

Unlike God’s true prophets, Benn Hinn was inaccurate as he spoke in the name of the Lord. Ponder this important Scripture on identifying a false prophet:

You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the LORD?” If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him. (Deut. 18:21,22)

Benny Hinn False Prophet Would Be Stoned

If Benny Hinn lived in the Old Testament times, he would have been stoned to death for that single false prophecy (Deut. 18:20)!  He is one of the false prophets on TNB. Remember, Jesus warned that many would be DECEIVED by false prophets in the end times (Mt. 24:24). Don’t let Benny Hinn, false prophet, do that to you.

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The Wiccan Rede Replacement

The Wiccan rede (Wiccan Bible) is a concise summation of the Wiccan Neopagan morality. In a short eight words their basic Wiccan Law is recorded:

Wiccan Rede

And ye harm none, do what thou will

The problem with the Neopagan, And ye harm none, do what thou will is that it is unscriptural. wiccan redeWhen a Wiccan does what he himself wills to do, he is NOT doing God’s will! The Wiccan Rede is not submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe. Jesus deserves to have our supreme allegiance and commitment over all others. He alone is our hope of glory (Col. 1:27) and the only way to the father (John 14:6). Jesus said:

Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. (Mat 7:21)

Furthermore, doing what thou will, instead of God’s will, is to harm others spiritually by your influence! Doing God’s will is vital and God’s will clearly does NOT include witchcraft any more than any other abomination listed in Scripture:

The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Gal 5:19-21)

To be more precise, IF a witch doesn’t turn from his idols (his self-centered belief, etc.) to serve God (1 Thess. 1:9), his final destination is shown to be in the lake of fire:

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars–their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death. (Rev 21:8)

Folks, witchcraft is not harmless. Any connection with it through the Ouija board, Harry Potter, etc. is harmful. Though fictitious, Harry Potter is an evil character and spiritual snare as he is glamorized by multitudes. He is an anti-wholesome role model as he employs: And ye harm none, do what thou will. He has harmed many gullible people spiritually. Wiccans, repent and burn your witchcraft books for your own good.

A Wiccan Mentions The Wiccan Rede

[Email From Wiccan] … You see, us wiccans worship the earth and a god/holy one just as you do. Our rituals and spells are only conducted for religious purposes, see the ending of our ”bible”, the wiccan rede is ‘And ye harm none, do what thou will’….

To worship the earth is idolatry, another strike against witchcraft and sorcery. The aforementioned is clear enough already, but Deut. 18:10-12, adds to the condemnation of witchcraft:

God’s Word Says It Is Wiccan Abominations

…who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. (Dt. 18:10-12)

Folks, that is how God feels about witchcraft and their beliefs, including the wiccan rede and its And ye harm none, do what thou will. Therefore the Wiccan Rede needs a major change over. Here are eight words for all Wiccans (and everyone) to live by:

The Biblical Replacement For The Wiccan Rede

Exchanging the eight words of the Wiccan Rede for eight better words from Scripture  (1 Thess. 1:9), we now have:

Turn from idols to serve the living God.

That truth (1 Thess. 1:9) is basic to true repentance and salvation. There is no other way to get eternal life than through a humble submission to God’s will to serve and follow the Lord Jesus unashamedly here and now. Do God’s will and reject the Wiccan rede for your own good and the good of others.

[Testimony of a former Wiccan.]

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Ray Comfort of Living Waters is an Eternal Security Teacher

IF you are moved by evidence, the following facts will prove that Ray Comfort of Living Waters Ministry is an eternal security teacher, which doesn’t seem to be readily known! hell's best kept secret That means that he is DANGEROUS and does NOT understand salvation, the lethal power of sin for a Christian, human responsibility, backsliding, grace, etc. He is NOT more sound, though he stresses evangelism.

Eternal Security

As Comfort spoke against follow up of new converts in his famous Hell’s Best Kept Secret audio, he explicitly revealed himself as a once saved always saved proponent, which he seems to want to conceal at certain times with certain people! Ray Comfort believes:

What it [follow up] is, is a sad admission to the amount of confidence we have in the power of our message and in the keeping power of God. If God has saved them, God will keep them. If they’re born of God, they’ll never die. If he’s begun a good work in them, he’ll complete it to that day. If he’s the author of their faith, he’ll be the finisher of their faith. He’s able to save to the uttermost them that come to God by him. He’s able to keep them from falling, present them faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. Jesus said no one will pluck you from my father’s hand. (Hell’s Best Kept Secret, original version)

FYI, the apostle Paul went on three missionary journeys. The second and third missionary journeys were follow up on his converts from before! Paul viewed the importance of follow up and the possibility of lethally backsliding and spiritual death among true converts much different than Comfort, which is typical for the dark and distorted view of grace and God embraced by all once saved always saved teachers. To listen to Ray Comfort speak the above words from his famous Hell’s Best Kept Secret sermon, click Ray Comfort is an eternal security teacher and HERETIC.

Sharing In The Wicked Work of Ray Comfort

I know people who rightly oppose eternal security, but also promote that damnable heresy indirectly by using Ray Comfort’s Living Waters Way of The Master gospel tracts, books, CDs, etc., as well as endorsing Hell’s Best Kept Secret.  Why can’t they see the harm they are doing? Their actions are very disheartening to me and counterproductive for God’s kingdom. What they are doing is like fighting illegal drugs and dispensing those same drugs simultaneously! It is an irrational contradiction, which reveals such ministries and individuals as dangerously lacking in this spiritual battle for truth and SOULS, especially after being previously shown. For some, it also reveals them as trying to appease everyone, in both camps, regarding the subject of the believer’s security, but that is NOT God’s way! Jesus spoke the clear, consistent truth and if people walked away over truth, they walked away. TRUTH should be the issue, not how popular we can become. For souls to be better safeguarded God’s truth must be known. That includes the fact that various spiritually lethal things can occur between initial and final salvation. Folks, we aren’t in God’s kingdom yet! We must endure to the end for final salvation (Mt. 10:22; Heb. 3:14; Rev. 2:10,11).

Also, Ray Comfort’s tracts might be catchy and appealing in appearance, but they are severely lacking and will draw people to his overall doctrine, including the damnable heresy of eternal security! MUCH BETTER materials for evangelizing are available, though not as well known. [In fact you can print your own FREE gospel tracts.]

Remember, Ray Comfort is NOT biblically sound, though he is a fluent and popular teacher. Take WARNING and do NOT share in Comfort’s wicked work (2 John 10-11) associated with eternal security which is from the devil, regardless who teaches it – Comfort or someone else! Ray Comfort’s Way Of The Master is NOT the Biblical way of the Master and the real Hell’s Best Kept Secret is: there is NO eternal security.

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John MacArthur and The Sin Unto Death

John MacArthur and his version of the sin unto death reveal the counterfeit saving faith he teaches while it also exposes his license to sin! Just like Dave Hunt, J. Vernon McGee and D. James Kennedy, Calvinist John MacArthur blatantly teaches one can sow to please the flesh (sinful nature) and reap eternal life! Imagine that! John MacArthur tries to debunk Scripture as he in vain teaches God can be mocked! The real truth is:

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Gal 6:7-9)

Gal. 6:8,9 is a salvation passage, not a rewards passage. We know that by the words eternal life in verse 8.

MacArthur Distorts The Sin Unto Death

What exactly did John MacArthur say about the sin unto death which boils down to an ungodly attempt to mock God? Referring to 1 John 5:16,17, John MacArthur taught:

And it refers to physical death, not spiritual death.john macarthur sin unto death And what it says is that a believer can commit a sin which will cause the Lord to just take him to Heaven. He doesn’t go to Hell, he goes to Heaven. It’s the same thing in first Corinthians where some were desecrating the Lord’s table. Paul said, some of you sleep; some in the congregation have died because of that. It’s any sin that the Lord deems to be SERIOUS to the point where you’re better off removed from the Church because of your influence.

[To hear John MacArthur teach that, click HERETIC John MacArthur and Sin Unto Death]

MacArthur’s Sin Unto Death Observations

  • John MacArthur is describing a Christian WHO BACKSLIDES, doesn’t repent, dies in his sin/s when God strikes him dead and he is taken to heaven! Such a WICKED SINNER goes to God’s holy heaven because he is better off removed from the church because of his influence! So, to spare the church down here, he is taken to church in heaven!
  • MacArthur is describing a man which he portrays as having saving faith. He thinks saving faith apparently allows for a stubborn unrepentant heart, that is, one which habitually practices serious sin as lifestyle and needs to be removed from the church!
  • NOTE: John MacArthur did NOT say the man was never saved because he backslid and practiced habitually his serious sin without repentance, as he might at other times! Just the opposite. He died in his sins which were so serious the church on earth needed to be protected from him!  The eternal security sin unto death fable is a convoluted bunch of distortions, which allow for serious sinful living and blows away the smokescreen delusion that eternal security is connected with holy living. John MacArthur believes there are Christian adulterers, Christian drunks, Christian homosexuals, Christian thieves, Christian murderers, Christian Hindus, etc.
  • From John MacArthur’s sin unto death teaching, we now know how to get to heaven and enjoy the pleasures of sin (Heb. 11:25) down here too. It is this: get saved, backslide and remain in your sins. Do NOT repent! God will surprise you one blessed day by striking you dead and taking you to heaven, even though you have been sowing to the flesh (sinful nature) and should go to hell instead!

John MacArthur vs Paul

In Gal 6:7-9, Paul described the very teaching that John MacArthur, and all the other eternal security teachers who teach the same sin unto death fable, proclaim. It is an unsuccessful attempt to mock God! IF one could sow to please his sinful nature (flesh) and still reap eternal life and not destruction, that would be reaping what he does not sow!

HERETICAL John MacArthur also teaches you can be redeemed and take the mark of the beast and even perpetuates ADULTERY by saying one should stay in an adulterous marriage. Though John MacArthur is a fluent and popular speaker, he is a dangerous false teacher who is a snare to SOULS in the church!

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Receiving The Mark Of The Beast Concerns

[Comments about the mark of the beast:] I am continually grateful for Internet Church and your informative website.  Reading the articles are a blessing. And the articles seem to confirm a big concern I’ve been having.  I’m greatly concerned that the false doctrines of once saved always saved and the pre-tribulation rapture is headed for a head-on collision with the mark of the beast.  This is especially true with the mark of the beast ministers, like John MacArthur and Chris Pinto, coming out of the wood work. First, the people are taught that no matter what they do they will still be saved.  Then they’re taught that we will be raptured before the Antichrist comes on the scene.  So they’re not prepared for persecution.  And to add fuel to the fire, they’re taught they can be forgiven if they take the mark.  So if the tribulation period occurs in their lifetime and they are not willing to die for their faith in Christ, because they believe in once saved always saved and have been told that they can be forgiven for taking the mark, I’m greatly concerned that they will take the mark and be eternally lost, thinking they’re still saved.  I tried to explain this to a minister, but because he believes in the Perseverance of the Saints form of once saved always saved, he dismissed my concerns…. Also, a sister in Christ told me that if she’s still here during the reign of the Antichrist then she’ll be angry at God.  My concern is that she’s just the type of person who will fall away and even take the mark of the beast.  And OSAS ministers would make her feel like that’s okay.  Thanks so much for your ministry that counters the dangerous false teachings of the devil.

[Bible Answer] Greetings in Jesus’ name. Thank you for the compliments. We have MANY videos and audio teachings for you to hear too, in case you aren’t aware of it.

The Mark Of The Beast and Eternal Security

We also can see the grave dangers the eternal security and pre-trib teachings present. They are perhaps the devil’s one two punch. The candy coated soul poison of eternal security alone is plenty bad enough, but it will have much help with the pre-trib doctrine! Eternal security declares: (1) Your future sins are already forgiven. [John MacArthur teaches that too.] Hence, if you take the mark of the beast it is already forgiven and nothing to be dreaded! (2) Eternal security teachers also tell us that God can’t see your sins after salvation because all he can see is the blood, Jesus and grace. That makes taking the mark of the beast hidden from God and again safe to take! (The eternal security doctrine is the devil’s best and has sent multitudes to hell!)

The Mark and Pre-Trib Rapture

The pre-tribulation lie will immediately blow multitudes away, when the nuclear bombs start blowing up and perhaps even much earlier! The intense trouble and horrific days ahead (which we can’t fully understand now) are unprecedented. Imagine being taught by many prominent teachers that suddenly you will be snatched away into heaven before the tribulation, based on Scripture, but it doesn’t happen!  Many will fall away from the faith and believe the Bible is not really the word of God, not realizing they were duped by the savage wolves in sheep’s clothing they supported! Many alive during the reign of the antichrist and the mark of the beast will yield to the pressure trying to get a little temporal relief for their nightmarish circumstances. They won’t be worried by the warning in Rev. 14:9-12, because fluent teachers, popular and not so popular, have taught taking the mark of the beast can be (or may) be forgiven!

Chris Pinto

Besides John MacArthur teaching forgiveness for the mark of the beast and Chris Pinto (which you mentioned), Mike Desario is another one! Chris Pinto’s false teaching about the mark of the beast is this:

But now having said that, would I ever say to someone that they could take the mark of the beast and then repent later on? No, that wouldn’t be my counsel to anyone. But then I wouldn’t counsel somebody to commit adultery or murder or to steal or something and then go and repent later on, because even though God may forgive you your sin if you’re in earnest, there’s still, depending on what your sin is, there’s still likely to be a consequence.

To hear Chris Pinto say that, click Chris Pinto and the mark of the beast.

Mike Desario

Mike Desario’s heretical teaching about the mark of the beast is this:

Today we’re going to unmask the enemy. What he’s doing is dispensing the mark of the beast within the present-day church and most people are completely unaware that they have received this mark and they’re destined to perdition unless they repent.

To hear Desario, click Mike Desario and the mark of the beast.

NOTE: Desario unmasked himself as an enemy by his own teaching. He thinks people have received the mark of the beast ALREADY, but the ones who did don’t know they have! Then he also said they can repent of taking the mark of the beast to be spared from perdition! What unscriptural nonsense! [The mark of the beast is NOT out yet since anyone can still buy and sell without any mark, belief, etc.]

SDA on the Mark

Besides those false teachers, the Seventh Day Adventist denomination teaches Sunday worship is the mark of the beast! Apparently, the SDA people must think if one converts over from Sunday worship to a Saturday Sabbath he can also get forgiven for taking the mark of the beast! [Our day is a super mess made so by false teachers and it will culminate during the reign of antichrist.]

Eternal Security Heresy

BTW, there is NO essential difference between the perseverance of the saints and once saved always saved. They are two different names for the same doctrine of demons. To prove this consider their sin unto death teaching. Both D. James Kennedy (a Calvinist) and Dave Hunt, who opposed Calvinism but believed in eternal security heresy, taught the same license for sin under that name! [J. Vernon McGee is another such heretic.] They also say King David remained saved in adultery and murder. That is the acid test question to smoke out that sort of dangerous HERETICAL teacher — one teaching wrongly on the believer’s security. Moreover, the person you referred to who said a real believer can’t fall away from the faith is ignorant of what he is supposed to be believing or is trying to deceive you! Calvinism teaches a saved person can never totally nor finally fall away! Notice the words totally and finally. To them King David (while in adultery and murder) and Solomon (while in idolatry) never totally fell away! They don’t even believe a Christian who backslides will always return to God in repentance, according to their sin unto death teaching!

These are dark days, but much darker and harder days are ahead, especially for the last generation. Many will fall away during this time (Mt. 24:10-13). Rev. 12:11 is the key passage for the saints still alive at that point. He who endures to the end will be saved (Mt. 10:22). People need to know, if they are still alive then, to take the mark of the beast will result in loss of salvation and damnation! Don’t be deceived about the mark of the beast by John MacArthur, Chris Pinto, Mike Desario, the SDA denomination or anyone else, including Jimmy DeYoung!

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Atheism Is Growing and Forming Mega Churches

Atheism, which disbelieves in the existence of God, is growing and mega churches for atheists are springing up! atheismBelieve it or not, even some preachers have converted and became atheists! All of that is in accord to what the Bible says will occur at the end of this age, as wickedness increases (Mt. 24:12) and there is a falling away from the faith (1 Tim. 4:1; Mt. 24:10; etc.)!

What God Has To Say About The Atheist

The atheist is referred to twice in Scripture and the details are not pretty:

For the director of music. Of David. The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.  (Psa 14:1)

Just the increase in Atheism in the USA is proof that wickedness is increasing. Do you remember the famous atheist, Madalyn Murray O’Hair of the American Atheists? She was murdered by another atheist (David Roland Waters) who worked for her. After he confessed, he told police where the bodies were buried in Texas. The police found them cut to pieces! Atheists have NO fear of God because they don’t believe in God. To them there is NO sin, NO judgment day, NO moral absolutes and only this life matters. That spells ultra wickedness and the eat, drink and be merry philosophy. Such mega churches are forming across the USA!

Atheist Mega Churches Are Forming

It looked like a typical Sunday morning at any mega-church. Hundreds packed in for more than an hour of rousing music, an inspirational sermon, a reading and some quiet reflection. The only thing missing was God.... The founders, British duo Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans, are currently on a tongue-in-cheek “40 Dates, 40 Nights” tour around the U.S. and Australia to drum up donations and help launch dozens of Sunday Assemblies. They hope to raise more than $800,000 that will help atheists launch their pop-up congregations around the world.  ( http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2013/11/10/news/atheist-megachurches-take-root-in-us-world?refid=0 )

The world is getting darker and paving the way for the antichrist and the mark of the beast. IF you are a Christian, keep your lamp burning. IF you are not a Christian you need salvation and peace with God more than your next breath of air! To learn the vital details about the real plan of salvation, carefully read the Bible for yourself. Remember, even though there are atheist mega-churches an atheist is a fool because he says in his heart there is no God.

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Hell is NOT the Common Grave

Hell is not the common grave for mankind. Since it isn’t the grave, what is it? The following Biblical details are most revealing, as well as horrifying. There is NO hint that hell is mythical, is the grave or exists only if you think it exists! Hell is real and MOST PEOPLE will go there after they die (Mt. 7:13,14):

Hell and The Related

  • Hell is a real place located in the center of the earth where it is extremely HOT as proven even in the natural with volcanoes.
  • Jesus repeatedly mentioned hell and warned others (including those already saved) that they could go there (Mt. 5:22; 10:22; Mk. 9:43-48; etc.).hell not grave No one warned of it more than God in the flesh!
  • Jesus taught it is better to cut off your bodily members than sin and go to hell (Mt. 5:28,29; Mk. 9:43-48). He also mysteriously mentioned the worm that doesn’t die there!
  • Is fire is described as eternal, raging and unquenchable (Mt. 18:8; Heb. 10:27; Mt. 3:12; Jude 7; etc.)
  • It is a place of darkness (Mt. 8:12) and likened unto a fiery furnace (Mt. 13:42,50).
  • It is EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT for the unrighteous, the lost and those who die in their sins (Mt. 25:46; 1 Cor 6:9,10; etc.)
  • It was not prepared for man, but for the devil and his angels (Mt. 25:41).
  • The people who go there are weeping and gnashing their teeth (Mt. 13:42) in fire prepared for the devil and his angels (Mt. 25:41). The damned, in regret, reflect back on their earthly life from that place of torment (Lk. 16:28) and desire unsuccessfully to contact their family for them to REPENT so they can avoid the same horrible place (Lk. 16:28-30). (The lost apparently know they are there because of sin.)
  • Previously saved people, who brought forth no gain, will be in hell (Mt. 25:30; etc.).
  • Death and Hades will be thrown into the lake of fire one day (Rev. 20:14).
  • The lake of fire (Rev. 20:15) is burning with brimstone (sulfur) (Rev. 19:20) and is the final place for the wicked. It is unending torment in fire. The people who die there have NO HOPE of getting out forever.
  • On the wicked God will rain fiery coals and burning sulfur with a scorching wind (Psa 11:6).
  • What is in the lake of fire is God’s wrath poured full strength. The lost will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. The wicked there have the smoke of their torment rise for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night (Rev 14:10,11).

Avoid Hell At All Costs

People there would give anything to have another chance to repent, as you do now! They don’t want you to join them! They are suffering, not partying. Hell is the greatest danger and only the righteous escape eternal punishment (Mt. 25:46). Furthermore, only Jesus can save us from Hell. Since it can be avoided through Jesus and the grave can’t be, then hell can’t be the grave, as the Jehovah’s Witnesses, SDA and others say. Some mockers, like Art Linkletter, are so blind they say they prefer to go to hell instead of heaven!

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The Facts Of Life

The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms cites the facts of life as:

Knowledge of sexual reproduction, as in Some people feel that the facts of life should not be taught in school. [Late 1800s] Also see birds and the bees. [http://www.answers.com/topic/the-facts-of-life]

Aging Process And Death

The facts of life include an unstoppable aging process until we finally die. No person is exempt from dying regardless how he lives, exercises or eats.facts of life We are all going to face death and leave everything behind. In fact, this cursed age even causes the trees and animals to die too. Such is reality.

Spiritual Facts of Life

Furthermore, our earthly life is a series of spiritual tests from God (Prov. 17:3) as we face trouble every day (Mt. 6:34) and reside in a truth rejecting world where our enemy, the devil, freely roams about to tempt people to sin! Our short lives are filled with temporal goals, cares and pursuits which can overshadow the will of God. Wise is the person who doesn’t allow that to happen, but instead puts into practice God’s word (Mt. 7:24-27). Are you wise in that way?death

Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. (James 4:14)

Remember, the facts of life include tests from God, aging and death then after this, the Judgment.

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The Lie Of Evolution

What does the Bible really teach about evolution? From Genesis and on, the Biblical record is always clear and exact — God created Adam and Eve and from them mankind began. Mankind did NOT evolve from a monkey, nor were we put here by aliens from another planet or anything else. God created Adam from the dust of the earth (Gen. 2:7) and Eve was created from Adam’s rib (Gen. 2:21,22). The Lord Jesus confirmed their creation (Mk. 10:6). Because Jesus is the ultimate authority, being God in the flesh, he verified man’s creation! That should settle it forever. Man did NOT evolve and evolution is a lie, just like eternal security.

In contrast, the antichrist public schools have taught the impressionable children the theory of evolution as though it was fact!evolution is a lie
I too was taught this anti-God religion, but as science, when I went to school.
Perhaps teaching this is their way of subtly rejecting God’s moral absolutes regarding sin to allow for a “do your own thing” mentality. The so-called “chain of evolution” is a myth and various evolution links were fraudulently created to uphold that anti-God “theory.” Lies and deceit, and not science or archaeology, have often propagated and perpetuated the lie of evolution over the years.

The Chain of Evolution

Piltdown Man

The Piltdown Man skull was discovered in England in 1912. After 41 years of being taught as “the most important fossil proving the evolution of man” it was exposed as a complete forgery! The Piltdown man fossil was chemically stained to deceitfully appear older and the teeth were filed down!

Nebraska Man

Nebraska Man was based on a 1922 single tooth find. It was believed to be another link in the evolution of man until an identical tooth was found to be that of a wild pig!

Orce Man

In 1982 a skull fragment was found in Europe named Orce Man. It was taught that the fragment came from a 17 year old male who lived 900,000 to 1.6 million years ago! Detailed evolution drawings were made to represent what Orce Man looked like! One year after, it was admitted that the skull fragment was not human and probably was from a young donkey!

Neanderthal Man

Remains of Neanderthal Man were found in 1908 in France. At first, he was considered to be ape-like and stooped over. Neanderthal Man was supposed to be an important evolution link from monkey to man. However, in 1971 additional information suggests Neanderthal Man was like us today, but had arthritis and rickets!

The theory of evolution has a history of deceit and misinformation taught as fact. Only God knows how many precious SOULS have been adversely affected by the LIE OF EVOLUTION, having their faith in Almighty God and the Bible destroyed in the name of science and education! The following Biblical warning applies here:

Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, which some have professed and in so doing have wandered from the faith. Grace be with you. (1 Tim 6:20,21)

Remember This About Evolution And Science

NOTE: The word translated knowledge in 1 Tim. 6:20 can be translated science! EVOLUTION IS A LIE and has been used by the devil to call into question the integrity of the Bible, thus affecting the eternal salvation of souls. Man was created by God and by God, his maker, he will be judged after he dies physically (Heb. 9:27). Do you know Jesus? (Remember, evolution is a LIE.)

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